10. What is Computer Vision?


Computer Vision

Computer Vision


refer to CV course

In rest of this lesson, we’ll introduce some computer vision techniques with enough detail for you to get an intuitive feel for how they work.

You'll learn much more about these topics during the Computer Vision module later in the program.

We also recommend the free Udacity course, Introduction to Computer Vision .

opencv python

opencv text

Throughout this Nanodegree Program, we will be using Python with OpenCV for computer vision work. OpenCV stands for Open-Source Computer Vision. For now, you don't need to download or install anything, but later in the program we'll help you get these tools installed on your own computer.

OpenCV contains extensive libraries of functions that you can use. The OpenCV libraries are well documented, so if you’re ever feeling confused about what the parameters in a particular function are doing, or anything else, you can find a wealth of information at opencv.org .